My Favorite Natural Products For Kids

I have shared with you lots and lots of products that I love for me and I will continue because I am always find new ones. I realized I haven’t shared any of my favorites for kids. As you know … Continue reading

2013 Wrap Up

As the year winds down, I thought it would be a good idea to review this wonderful year. It’s been amazing to my family and I! 1. I finally went to working for myself! This was a big scary step … Continue reading

Halloween 2013

Here is a little bit of our family Halloween fun!
My daughter was a broken china doll and my son was a skeleton. My daughter sits really still for makeup but, my son does not so his makeup was a little challenging and he kept rubbing his eyes! All in all, I think they turned out pretty cute!





Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!


Where Have I Been?

Oh my gosh I have been gone too long!!!
So sorry.
Wedding makeup season wi be wrapping up for me in a few weeks and commercial production has started to slow a little. I have a little more free time to update you all!
I got to work on lots of fun projects this year that I cannot wait to share with you all once they have launched!!
I had the most beautiful brides this year! Once their photos are available I cannot wait to share them with you all.
My kids started 4th and 1st grade and the year has started off great! Now that I spend more time at home I have noticed huge changes in their behavior at home and school and grades are way better. I am so thankful I work from home and only part time. It is truly a blessing.
I have lightened my hair!!! I did it myself too. I know scary but, I absolutely love it! So stay tuned for some upcoming product updates, tutorials, and portfolio updates! Oh and vegan updates!!!

Snow Days


Like most of the Midwest region right now we are snowed in! Thanks to snow storm Q we have been coated with a blanket of white.

School has been cancelled for two days!

I really do appreciate and treasure days like this because they are rare! It gives us time to bond and catch up since I do work full time and run a business on the side. I look forward to days like this. We can’t go anywhere so we have to be around each other. We get to recharge and build upon our relationships.

Here are some activities you can enjoy if you are snowed in:

1. Play card games. We have been playing a lot of War and Go Fish.

2. Play board games.

3. Craft activities

4. Cooking lessons

5. Or just some good ol’ fashion sledding and snow play outside!


Enjoy days like this! Use the time wisely and creatively!

Enjoy your snow day!!
