2013 Wrap Up

As the year winds down, I thought it would be a good idea to review this wonderful year. It’s been amazing to my family and I! 1. I finally went to working for myself! This was a big scary step … Continue reading

Halloween 2013

Here is a little bit of our family Halloween fun!
My daughter was a broken china doll and my son was a skeleton. My daughter sits really still for makeup but, my son does not so his makeup was a little challenging and he kept rubbing his eyes! All in all, I think they turned out pretty cute!





Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!


Take A Break From Makeup and Hairstyling

I’m back!!
I have been away for such a long time!
A lot has changed since I last blogged. I recently took a leap and decided to be at home all the time and run my makeup business from home. I have at least always worked part time so, this is a big transition for me and my family. It will give me lots of material to write about.
The reason I am writing today is because I have taken a break from putting makeup on myself and styling my own hair for over a week. It’s been an interesting and liberating journey that I thought you all might want to try.
The first few days without makeup were hard. After so many years of wearing it you start to believe “the lie” which is what you look like with makeup on. So, I had to start accepting what I look like without it. Then I started to get used to it and see perfection over imperfection. It has allowed my skin to breathe and detox. I have had some breakout I am sure it is just part of the detox. Other than that, I have saved a ton of product. That is a bonus since my budget has completely changed.
My hair has been the most interesting. I haven’t styled it for probably a week and half or even longer. I have just washed it and let it air dry. Now in this time it has become less frizzy, thicker, and softer. I am totally not kidding! I will not be blow drying my hair again for a really long time!
If you have the time to do this I recommend taking a break from makeup and heat styling your hair. It will be really good for your skin and hair and good for your self esteem.


Concealer Freak

I just wanted to give a quick product shout out to Tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer. It is the concealer of my dreams! IT TOOK A FEW YEARS OFF MY EYES! Not kidding! It brightens, gives great coverage, and stays put all day. It is now a permanent staple in my beauty bag.

You cam find it anywhere Tarte is sold like, Ulta, Sephora,
Tarte, and QVC.



Beauty Bag

More Bridal Makeup Tips


We are in the busiest part of bridal season!!

I have posted some bridal makeup tips in an earlier post but, got to thinking about some things that I have come across this season and wanted to share them with you all.

1. Just because it’s a trend this year doesn’t mean you will look back on your photos ten years from now and love it. So, if you are thinking of doing something trendy with your makeup think about how you will feel about it a few years from now. Remember that when you are planning your special bridal look that you want to look back on it and still feel great about how you looked on your wedding day.

2. If you are hiring a professional makeup artist keep a few things in mind. They are professionals and know what they are doing. They are not plastic surgeons. Be completely upfront with them about what you want and show them a picture of what you look like most of the time. This will help them create a look that is more special for your wedding day than your normal makeup look. If you are not liking something be honest, they need your criticism to make sure that they create your ideal look.

3. Yes, I do recommend that you wear false lashes unless you have insanely long and full lashes on their own. It just opens up the eyes and makes them look brighter. Plus, it looks great in photos.

4. If you are getting a spray tan do it at least 2 days before your wedding.

5. Drink lots and lots of water. This helps your skin look fresh, hydrated, and clear.

6. Remember that your makeup will only look as good as the skin underneath. A few months before or even a year before the wedding, hire a professional to help with skin. They can get you on the right track with facials and recommend appropriate skincare that will insure that your skin is wedding day ready.

7. Get physical! Yes, work out! This will also help the body release toxins and make your skin look so much better. Plus, a balanced diet full of anti-inflammatory foods will make your skin look and feel great.

8. Just be you! It’s really easy to get caught up in how you think you should look based on magazines and TV. All in all, just be you but, a little more glammed up than normal. It’s a special day and you want to look special but, not unlike you completely.

The best part about being a makeup artist is getting be apart bride’s special day!